Monday, September 2, 2013


This week my lovely daughter is turning 5!!! This got me thinking of all we've shared, laughed, cried and loved over the past five years. So I decided this week's posts will all be dedicated to her, as a birthday present for her (which she will probably come tho cherish by the time she is 40 and a mother herself. Trust me, now Doc McStuffin's Lambie would make such a cooler present) and for me, It'll be a unique opportunity to allow me to savor just one more time every joy, every tear, every first word, every first step she's ever taken and just for a tiny week; let me feel I still have my very own baby.

I am a proud avid reader. If there is one thing I wish I could pass on to my daughter is my love for books. Not the recent e-book frenzy kind, but good old fashioned books. There's something about the smell of a new book, or the feel of flipping the pages with your fingers, that can instantly bring a smile to my face.  I can trace back my love for stories to as long as I can remember. My favorite class period would be Library Time, I would devour one book after another and take a few more home. Even now when I travel or walk into an Anthropologie my bags will usually be filled with books instead of clothes, no matter how heavy they are.

I can see something of me in her, when we go shopping and she'll pick a book instead of a toy, or when she's been read out loud the same book so many times she knows it by heart, or how easily she relates with the characters and stories she'll even laugh or even cry with them at every turning point as I continue to read for her.

The following are my personal faves. Some I've read to her since she was born, some she is starting to read for herself, others I'm saving for when she's older. There are so many ways of expressing how much I love her no matter what may come our way, or how much I believe in her, or the hopes and dreams I have for her, I wish I could, and maybe one day will, express it in my own words in my very own children's book, inspired and dedicated to her. But until that time comes, these are the books my daughter has grown listening to, cherishing that moment at bedtime, the characters she's now friends with and the loving words of these magnificent authors she will forever carry in her heart.

I may have little to offer to my child in many other senses, but I like to think of this as my legacy: That one day she will have read enough, she will be thirsty and hungry enough to take off, travel the world, see new places, meet new people,  and finally set off to live and write her own stories.

Last but not least, my favorite not-so-much-only-for Children's Book of all times: The Little Prince. I love collecting vintage editions of this french classic and I'm still on the hunt for a french first edition, this would be the ultimate birthday present for my little one (ahem, take notes grandparents!) Someday...


Happy Birthday Elena!!!

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