Friday, July 19, 2013



Angelina's Choc Mont Blanc

Don't try to make too much of this lesson's title. It's actually very literal. Savour the moment to the last bite and to the last drink.

I don't think I have ever eaten or drank more than I did during this trip. I can't think of once I may have counted the calories, ordered dressing on the side, or declined dessert. I don't think I once drank a coffee standing up or on the go,  I sat down and savoured every cup to the last drop (with whole milk and all!), and noticed everyone around me drank their coffee sitting down, in deep conversation, not on their cell phones, but with actual real people, no one looking at their watches... How many times are we in a such a rush we get our food and drinks from a drive-thru and actually take the time to enjoy it in good company?

I admit I may have had one too many glasses of Rosés and 1664s (yes I'm a beer kind of girl) and way too many frites, pains au chocolat and croissants, but I don't regret a single bite. The smells, the flavors, the fresh ingredients, how could I deny my palate and my body such pleasures? The following day I'd probably walk at least 4 miles in a gorgeous city to make up for it, something I rarely got to do in my city, breathing a different air, seeing wonderful sites: what better way to exercise and rid of the little guilt I may have had from dinner the night before?!

It's not that a said screw it all, I said if I'm doing this I'm enjoying every piece and bit of it. And I have every inch of my love handles to prove it!!!

Quiche aux champignons at bread&roses 


I can't tell you how many times I was questioned by friends and family on why I was traveling a month to europe with a four-year old. Most of the time I would have wanted to answer ''because I can'', and offer no further or unnecessary explanation. I realized however how rude and arrogant this would sound. To be honest I myself questioned this decision more than once. But the truth was, that was the very  honest answer I would've liked to give. My husband and I are both young and full of energy. His job allows him to take this much time off. My four-year old is a well behaved, extremely smart one, I should be able to handle my own kid! so, why not?

Then I realized how privileged we were in being able to do this. And trust me it has nothing to do with being able to pay for it all, it was about (and I keep coming back to this...) finding the time.

Point is, it really is true that annoying YOLO abbreviation, but you do, you only live once. If you can do it now, when else?

Sharing this experience with my husband has brought us even close together. Trust me, we had those moments we just looked at each other knowing we were each thinking ''Can't we just leave'em here?'', but we also knew we'd had all the time we needed to ourselves when we got home. We were doing this as a family, and we were going to enjoy this no matter how tired we were...and guess what? I wouldn't change a day of this trip. I got to know the girls in a way I probably wouldn't have at home, ever. I enjoyed every smile, every frown, just watching them sleep every night, cuddled together, made every exhausting day worth it.

We laughed, we ate, we shopped, we slept, we cried (a broken ipad incident), we had so much fun. True, loving, exhausting fun. Would I do it again? Can't wait to pack our bags again?

So what are you waiting for? Take that trip you've been wanting to for a while now. Find the time to share with your loved ones. Sit down for five minutes to enjoy that cup of coffee. Go out and live your dream, whatever it might be. Eat, love, dance, laugh without regret. Seize the day, every single moment of it!

Thank you for joining me in this unforgettable journey, I really do hope you found in it as much as I did for myself and my loved ones.

Til' next time, you know what the say...We'll always have Paris (sigh)...

Much Love,


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