Sunday, June 9, 2013


Nature and Ocean Inspired Jewelry By Hot New Designers

My obsession with accessories is no secret to anyone who knows me. I could start a shop with all the pieces I own. Literally. The famous Madame Chanel quote on taking off something before walking out the door does not apply to me. To me, when it comes to accessorizing, less is not more, less is way too little. In fact, if anything, I'll add one more piece before I leave home. This girl sure loves her frosting. And yes, I've had that look, 'that girl should take something off' look, but if you read my style and decor posts, that is just me. I have friends who'll wear a classic watch, diamond studs, their wedding band and maybe a simple gold bangle, and they'll look beautifully pulled together and ready to go. I just feel naked. See, I believe accessorizing is a reflection of your personality. I can be loud, blunt and sometimes a little too much to handle. Diamond studs are ok, but give me a set of bangles, a large cuff, a huge cocktail ring and a statement necklace, plus a few more to layer to go with them, and you've got a personality match!

I'm in the constant search for new accesories designers. Once I find one, I can become a bit obsessed.   That is not good for a confessed shopaholic. Pinterest isn't much help either. You can now understand my excitement when I received this gorgeous invite to a new jewelry open house by two wonderful talented friends of mine. That's when I first fell in love with Ofi Bella.

The first piece I bought was a stunning Tiffany Chou piece of fan coral turned into the most gorgeous gold cuff named My Fair Coral. At first I hesitated, not because I didn't desperately want it, but because I wasn't sure if I could stretch my budget (there it is again, that word again!), but something happened to me right there that told me I had to get it, would you believe me if I told you that when I put it on I felt the cool summer breeze of the ocean on my face, the sand beneath my feet and the smell and taste of salt water? neither, but I almost did (on second thought, maybe it was the wine...) no seriously, the second I put it on I couldn't stop smiling. I was happy.

My Fair Coral Cuff by Tiffany baby!

I then spotted a gold coral branch necklace perfect for layering, a gold dipped tooth shark, a mystic crystal drop necklace by Hula Hoops Maui...and I was still smiling. And that was it, this was the beginning of a torrid love affair of which I am unable to walk away!

I might very well start my own Ofi Bella shop!

To anyone who reads this and knows Fofi and Sofia, will know I am not exaggerating one word of praise towards these two beautiful, hard-working, young mommies I have the privilege of calling my friends. Sofia first came to Fofi with the idea of launching a line of ocean and nature inspired jewelry, she as well, was on the constant search of new designers that fit this criteria. They talked it over a couple of glasses of wine, and Fofi was in it without hesitating, there and then Ofi Bella was born (Sofi, Fofi, Ofi Bella, get it?). They both have very different styles, but somehow they make a great team, and when choosing each piece, their differing tastes complement each other resulting in gorgeous collections featuring exclusive designers Tiffany Chou and her Hawaiian Roots inspired jewelry, Indian inspired Zariin, also Hawaiian inspired and handmade in Maui Hula Hoops Maui, and the newest addition to Ofi Bella's family, Santa Monica based Frasier Sterling, whose pieces we've spotted on our favorite celebrities including Alessandra Ambrosio, Jessica Alba, and Vanessa Hudgens.

They agreed they wanted to offer good quality designer pieces at accessible prices. Whether gold-filled, or gold-plated, I can swear to the quality of these pieces. Not only are they beautifully designed and crafted but against all recommendations I've sprayed perfume, worn lotion, and the pieces are intact! When choosing designers and pieces, at least one of them has to say 'I would totally wear this, I love this!' They would never sell something they wouldn't wear themselves.

Ofi Bella offers stylish, distinctive, versatile jewelry that can be worn in very different ways and circumstances, ideal for layering, and even the most classic pieces have an edge to them that will sure make some heads turn. At the beach, or in the city, each and every one of Ofi Bella pieces are guaranteed to be outfit makers! Beautifully handcrafted each piece is unique, and will certainly make you feel, what else? bella.
The Glam Skin Show Green Agate Fluorite Topaz Gold Cuff, by Zariin, 
or let's just call it the Mother of statement cuffs.

I met with Sofi a couple of days ago, Fofi couldn't join us because she is....wait for it...a working mommy!!! If you read my first feature on the Super Mommy Series you will understand why I'm reluctant to use this term. However, I am lucky enough to be related to Fofi and know her well enough to elaborate on her a little further on.

I love Sofi's style. Her fashion style, her parenting style, her lifestyle in general. You'll instantly warm up to her just by taking in her laid back charm, to which she dresses accordingly, always wearing something flowy, a maxi-dress preferably, embellished flip-flops, and something by Ofi Bella of course  to match her relaxed ways. If you take a good look at her you could never guess she is a mother of a 12 year old boy, Christian, and 6 year old Anika, and has been married for 12 years. I swear she looks 17!!!

When she is not surfing the web searching for new designers she is outdoors with her kids, letting them be kids, whether experimenting with paint or building bicycle ramps. She has chosen this is the way she wants them to remember their childhood, this is the way she grew up, happy and free, exploring the vastness of the sea and the outdoors, strangers to all fears.

Whenever she and her husband get the chance they'll escape to the beach, on a weekday or a weekend. The sea is a mood changer for her from the moment she steps out of the car. She has a strong connection with the sun sand and sea, this is definitely her zen place.  If she's not out there surfing with her kids, this self-confessed foodie will be in the kitchen preparing her lobster risotto. She pampers herself getting regular manis and pedis and what else of course, shopping!

She enjoys seeing her son being protective of his sister, and loves letting Anika experiment with her own fashion sense and her statement mane! This seems to be a recent trademark of the Super Mommies, it is refreshing how they all emphasize the importance of encouraging self-expression and confidence even at the young ages of 6 or even 2!

Fofi is not so much a different story, also a young mom, recently wed to a wonderful loving husband, she is perhaps more on the shy side, but once you get to know her, she is kind, smart, easygoing, hard working, creative and above all probably one of the best mothers I have ever met. Her daughter Fran is living proof of all of the above, she is a lovely, charming, smart, educated and polite young girl, who'll always greet you with a smile wherever you find her. Just like her mommy!

Her style is beautifully classic, but once in a while she'll surprise Sofi with something edgier like a knuckle ring and she'll rock it!!!

In Sofia's words Fofi is the perfect partner. In mine, she is the perfect daughter, sister, friend, wife and mother. Not much, huh???

Photo Credits: Adriana Serpas
Florence Muyshondt and Sofia Handtke (Told ya they looked 17!)

Sofia and Fofi are happy working with their current featured designers, they've had a wonderful experience and a great relationship with each and every one of them and look forward to keep working with them in the near future. Expanding their business to other accessories is not out of the question.

Now if you excuse me, I have to go now, I need that Frasier Sterling pearl and tassel necklace I've been lusting after for a while now....

Ring me up a couple of these!!!
Statement Cocktail Rings by Zariin

Howlite Stretch Bracelets, Hula Hoops Maui

Gold Horn Bangle 

Sodapop earrings by Tiffany Chou...Why haven't I got these?!

Bitten earrings and Just Take a Bite Necklace, both by Tiffany Chou

 Triple Hook Link and Audrey Earrings by Hula Hoops Maui

Shop Ofi Bella at D'tails, C.C. El Manantial, Calle La Reforma, Col. San Benito

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